I've been baking cookies this week, and Josh has been enjoying them. Thought I would post a pic of our little cookie monster!

This is the annoyed look, quickly following this comes the loud screaming trying to get his way.
This is the face he makes in the midst of whining to try and get his way.
This is the surprised or "cool" look, he is usually making the noise ooohhhh when he does it, and it's usually in response to something he likes or thinks is cool.
And of course, this is his adorable grin. One flash of this, even after he has done something horrible, and mommy and daddy (and anyone else around for that matter) is at his mercy.
Josh got a haircut this week, it's the shortest it has ever been. Daddy got a little buzz happy.
It's been a long week here in Hartford. Now that all the unpacking is done and most of the settling in stuff finished, it's more recognizable that you're not "home". We live in a great area where there are lots of cool little restaurants and shops, but it just makes me want to be able to go hang out with friends and family, and I don't have any here! But hopefully we will meet some people soon.
We went down to the center area on Friday (where all the cool shops are) which is just a minute away and had some Maggie Moo's after dinner, then we came back up to a park that's right around the corner from our house. Josh loves parks, he gets so excited when he just sees them, especially the swings. In case you're wondering what the black things on his legs are, he has some difficulty going down slides because his feet stop him, so Chris took his socks off and put them on him so he could slide down properly. Gross and yet sweet at the same time...
Well I think that's the gist of our week, hope everyone is doing well!