We had a wonderful weekend, doing absolutely nothing!!! It's the first time we have done that in a while, and will also be the last for a while. It was kind of rainy here this weekend so we just hung out and watched movies and played with Josh.
Our weekend got an unexpected extension when late Sunday night I bent over and my back basically seized up in major pain (mind you, I have been through childbirth now and do not define major lightly) and wouldn't let me move. It was still bad Monday morning so Chris had to take off work. I went into the chiropractor that afternoon, and he said it's nothing a couple months of work won't fix. Hooray for more bills. Actually he was really good and was finally able to explain to be that I have compression of nerves and acute problems of some sort. So at least now we know what's causing it. Drama.
But that's all the big news on our side of things. Josh is even more expressive in his range of emotions now days (like how tactfully I put that?) Here are some pictures of his expressiveness
Our weekend got an unexpected extension when late Sunday night I bent over and my back basically seized up in major pain (mind you, I have been through childbirth now and do not define major lightly) and wouldn't let me move. It was still bad Monday morning so Chris had to take off work. I went into the chiropractor that afternoon, and he said it's nothing a couple months of work won't fix. Hooray for more bills. Actually he was really good and was finally able to explain to be that I have compression of nerves and acute problems of some sort. So at least now we know what's causing it. Drama.
But that's all the big news on our side of things. Josh is even more expressive in his range of emotions now days (like how tactfully I put that?) Here are some pictures of his expressiveness

This is the annoyed look, quickly following this comes the loud screaming trying to get his way.

This is the face he makes in the midst of whining to try and get his way.

This is the surprised or "cool" look, he is usually making the noise ooohhhh when he does it, and it's usually in response to something he likes or thinks is cool.

And of course, this is his adorable grin. One flash of this, even after he has done something horrible, and mommy and daddy (and anyone else around for that matter) is at his mercy.