Sorry, I've been a bad poster recently. We've been running around as usual. This past weekend we ran up to Boston. It's only 2 hours with traffic, and very easy, pretty drive. And we like Boston it's pretty. We can't wait to go back and explore all the historical places. This weekend we just went to the zoo. (St. Louis plug: I didn't realize just how cool the Lou is in this area until now, but we have all this amazing stuff for kids, and it's free!!! Boston zoo is $9.50 an adult and compared to St. Louis zoo was kind of dilapidated looking, oh well... maybe we'll try the Bronx zoo next.)
Josh had fun, although unless an animal is moving he doesn't take much notice of it. He's easily entertained seeing as how a dog is his favorite animal. Geez, we should have just taken him to the pound... He's in this really cute stage right now where he kisses everything all the time. Like he kissed my knee 5 times tonight, and whenever he talks on the phone he keep kissing the phone too, it's really cute. That's about all that's going on with us right now. Here are some pictures from the weekend: