Well not "we" persay. Matt and Christy do, which makes us the proud uncle, aunt and cousin to the beautiful Madeline Faye Kelly. She was born April 24, around 8:15, was 7lb.4oz. and 20 inches long. She has beautiful red hair and blue eyes. We are counting down the days until we get to hold her (15). After seeing the pictures Josh looked at me and said "Go, airplane, baby Maddy?" When I asked him if he wanted to go on an airplane to see baby Maddy he said yes. How he knew we needed to get on an airplane to see her, I'll never know!
Christy ended up having to have a c-section so please be praying for her smooth recovery.
Well here are some pictures of my darling niece:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Well, we finally had to make our first trip to the emergency room. I must say, I'm a little surprised it took this long. Josh loves running around, which is great, he just has a small problem of sometimes paying attention to his feet, or other people, instead of where he is going. That is how we ended up in the ER. He ran full speed into a corner. We didn't just have to have stitches, no, when Josh does something he does it right. They had to call in a plastic surgeon to give him three layers of stitches, the top layer having 10. Here are some pictures of the damage. Please pray our child doesn't look like a pirate for the rest of his life!
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