The highly anticipated day has come and gone and we survived. And now we adjust, to a new normal, to one we never would have thought a possibility up until 18 months ago. One that involves step-moms, step-brothers and a whole slew of new people.
It's hard. I'm still processing so much of it. I don't understand a lot of it. I'm still grieving what was, what will never be again, and the loss of so much more than just a person and what she stood for.
I think more than ever we turn our focus towards our own little family. In so many ways, in this season of life, we are all our kids and each other have. There is a desire to step up for them, to be at all the games, and school functions, to make a big deal of birthdays, to pour our wisdom from the Lord into them, and to love them to pieces. Our first priority, besides the Lord, is us.
In the midst of it all, God is good and working out His will. We were covered in prayer this weekend, and it was felt. We had wisdom and love covering us and poured into us while at the festivities. We are so blessed to be surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses!
We are so blessed to have seen biblical community lived out during this time in our lives. The body of Christ really has become our family in so many ways. While we still hope and pray for restoration in our real family, it is such a joy to not feel abandoned or alone during everything.
So we press on, again...into a new normal and new unknowns. Trusting He accomplishes all things for His good (for those who trust in Him). Story of our lives. At least we're a couple hundred miles away from the craziness!