I think it has probably been one of the most crazy weeks of my adult life.
There has been some high points, and some very low points.
Recap time:
Monday- doesn't count because it was labor day
Tuesday- Josh's first day of preschool, he will be going four days a week from 9:30 to 1:30. Big stuff. He did great, and he loved it, I was so proud of him.

I also had cupcakes that I had to deliver that day, as well as making some more for my bible study the next day as well as an appetizer. I also had to write up the recipes for a book that we are making for our bible study group.

Chris noticed his car acting funny, and made plans to get a ride to work the next morning, so we dropped his car off that night at our mechanics.
I noticed Jack wasn't feeling very well.
Wednesday- drop Josh off bright and early, he was a little bit more apprehensive the next day, figuring out the routine, but was great as soon as we pulled up. Rushed over to bible study. Rushed home to squeeze in an hour nap for Jack, rushed to pick Josh up (I am so thankful our preschool is less than a mile away from our house!) and rushed home again.
Upon getting home, I had to feed the kids, get Jack down for another nap, get them packed up for the evening, and prepare for my small group girls that night. I also had to leave earlier than normal to go pick up Chris. During that time we find out that Chris's car is pretty much toast. So now we have to get a new car. A year earlier than thought we would need to.
So I picked up Chris, and we grabbed a quick dinner at Chick-Fil-A. He dropped the kids and I off at church and headed out to the music store where he could pick up some things he needed for the lesson he has been teaching on Friday night. Pick us up at 9:30, and head home. Exhausted.
Thursday- relaxing day. Drop off Josh, go to Target, Costco, and Kroger, and get home in time to get Jack a two hour nap before Josh's pick up time. Awesome. Finally feeling some of the benefits of having one kid in preschool. Pick up Josh and head home. Jack finally acting like he's feeling a little better, but I can tell Josh is on the downhill slope, but still hoping it won't hit him that bad. I get a call that I need to bring snack and drinks to the soccer game on Saturday. Except there are nut, dairy and egg allergies (?!) on his team. Start racking my brain for options. Pack picnic dinner, go pick up Chris again (since we shouldn't drive his car) and head to soccer fields for practice. Pick up a DQ treat and head home. Josh crashing hard.

Friday- Josh wakes up with a fever and I decide to keep him out from school, and make a doctors appointment. Head to the doctors. Am there a long time. Pick up Panera for lunch and head to Walmart to search for snacks to feed team impossible. Home to get the kids fed. One of my small group girls comes over an hour or so later, all the while I'm staying updated through texts and facebook about the impending arrival of my new niece or nephew. We hang out while the kids run around and I try to get dinner made, waiting for Chris to get home from teaching his lesson. We all hung out over dinner (chicken and dumplings with the kids and Chris being under the weather) and then after dessert rejoiced over the birth of our new niece, Anna Leigh Kelly. Chris was a rockstar and got the kids to bed while I hung out a little more.
Saturday- Everybody wakes up early feeling lousy. We decide to scrape together and head to Josh's first game. Josh doesn't eat any breakfast, and is obviously feeling lousy. Jack has three teeth coming in and is ridiculously cranky. It's going to be a rough day. We get to the game and our assistant coach is out. Our head coach asks Chris if he'd be willing to help out, and of course rockstar husband steps up. The game is in direct sunlight and it is bright, hot and humid. The boys start going down fast. Thankfully the game is only an hour. In the last 10 minutes of the game Josh comes off the field crying. He was done. He also didn't understand why daddy couldn't pick him up on the field. His team did win though.

We come home and pretty much crashed the rest of the day.
Sunday- We miss church because we didn't want to expose anyone else. Lounge around morning. Mid-afternoon we finally motivate ourselves to get out of the house. We decide to go look at an SUV at a dealership (since we are in need of a car). Halfway there our Camry (the reliable car) starts making a really weird noise. Chris pulls over and checks it out, and while we can't figure out what it is, we know it's not good, and decide to head home. While praying. While on the way we hatch the plan for me to jump out real quick and grab the Honda to follow him to the dealership right around the corner. As soon as I jump out of the car, there is a loud click and the motor dies. I motion to Chris asking if he did that and he replies no. Stink. Our neighbor with a truck towed us over to the mechanics.
So that is how our week ended. First week of preschool in the books, first soccer practice and game in the books, two broken cars, and a new niece, and a sick family.
I am glad this week is over.
1 comment:
oh no! that really is a bad week. dont you hate how unpredictable life is. i hate car trouble, hopefully you will have a better week.
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