Josh doesn't get the whole"girlfriend" concept. Praise the Lord. And if he all of a sudden figures it out, he won't be getting to put it into practice for a long, long time. Like 16.

That said...there's this girl. Her name is Annabelle, and she is the sweetest most fun thing ever. I want to steal her. Every time I see her she gives me hugs and I get to get my little girl fix. Apparently Josh sees something similar. When he talks about his friends, she is one of the first to be mentioned, and every Wednesday he always asks if Annabelle is going to be at church.
We were grabbing a quick dinner before church last night and Josh and I were chatting. I asked him if he was excited to get to see his friends. He told me he was, especially Annabelle. I asked why that was, and he looked up me and said "because I love her."
He also looks at her differently than his other friends, he gets all excited and giddy when he's around her, and everything he does he wants to show her, and make sure that she is watching when he does something tough or cool. He holds doors open for her and tries to take care of her any way he can.
I'm not sure what to make of it all, but it's sweet to see his chivalrous side coming out.

April, at her birthday party
June 2009 NexGen Leaders Appreciation Lunch
Fourth of July
Annabelle's mom, my friend Heather, always refers to them as "sweet friends" and I think they definitely are that.
super cute!!!!!!!!
this is definitely CUTE. So sweet.
Haha...and to answer your question: I got the letters from like Home Goods or something. They were mounted so they can stand up on a bookshelf or something - but i lopped off the bottom and ganked the letters themselves.
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