However my daughter is not. I'm not sure if it's the difference between boy and girls, or just a realization for how quickly it all goes but it seems like EvaKate is doing things way sooner than she should be!
She is trying to sit up. She doesn't have much balance, but if we lay her back on the boppy she will pull herself up to sitting. The girls has crazy ab muscles. Even the doctor commented on how strong she was.
Most everything else isn't too terribly off pace (except maybe her love for real food) but I just want it all to slow down. I'm not ready to have a squirmy wormy that wants to explore, I still need some more sweet snuggles! Thankfully she's still letting me get in a fair amount of those in. Here are some quick notes of what we are doing:
- She loves to have her legs straight up in the air most of the time, I think in attempts to get her toes
- we started her on solids right at 4 months (so we didn't have to go back on acid reflux medicine) and she loves it! Like eats a 4oz package and wants more loves it. Crazy!
- Anything within a 1 foot radius of her will be grabbed in attempts to get it in her mouth. This includes the boys toys, their hands, my hair, blankets, etc
- I'm pretty sure she's teething
- she blows raspberries back to you after you blow them at her
- when you talk to her she tries to talk back
- she's finally getting ticklish spots
- she had her first time in a swing, and as long as you don't push very hard seems to enjoy it
She was 50% in weight (13.6 pounds) heights (24 1/2 inches) and head measurements. Right on track, no matter what all the random people in the stores who clearly haven't been around babies in 20 years say.
There are not words for how much joy she brings into our house. And pink, and we all love it. We were at Target the other day and Josh picked up an outfit and said "awww, mom this is so adorable!" Both the boys are quite proud of their sister and all of her accomplishments. When Jack sees someone he hasn't seen in awhile he tells them "we got a new baby sister." Even if she's not that new anymore it's sweet he wants to show her off. And let's not even get started on daddy. He is quite proud of his baby girl.
She was being a stinker last night and not wanting to go to sleep after I had just nursed her. She was laying in my lap staring up at me with a look of such adoration trying as hard as she could to talk intermittently with soft smiles. I wanted to freeze that moment in my mind. I know before I know it doors will be slamming and there may even be an "I hate you" dropped (because what teenage girl hasn't said that to their mom?). I hope that though we may go through rough patches we can get back to a place of mutual admiration and be close friends. For now though I'm still very much enjoying a drama free house and her thinking the world of me!
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