- Her personality is really coming out. She laughs a lot, and she laughs when you tell her no...like she knows exactly what she's doing
- She waves hi and bye
- Not only does she wave but she does it just with us telling her to "say hi" no motions included. By verbal command.
- She says "dada" to him. Not regularly or all the time, you can tell she's still figuring it out, but she says it.
- She only says "mama" now when she cries.
- She had her first major sickness (just a bad cold) which resulted in her first
- Double ear infection, which she handled like a champ
- Has started eating actual solids. Puffs, cheerios, cooked peas. The girl is ready for more serious food. She is constantly trying to grab mine out of my mouth!
- She loves swinging at the park and laughs when she is pushed higher
- She's started having separation anxiety at church. If you give her food she usually calms down. Eventually. It's one of the only times I've seen her cry that hard.
- She adores her brothers and squeals with delight at them and rolls over to play with them.
- She still loves to just roll around the floor.
- Her favorite toy is a rattle
- She loves her daddy. It's been really sweet to watch them the last month as they've gotten really close. She gets so excited when he comes home.
I think that's the gist of it. This is such a fun age. She's very interactive and happy. It is getting a bit harder to go out with her since she always wants to be moving, or eating, which makes it quite hard for me to eat. But it's a small setback compared to how much fun she is the rest of the time! Love that baby girl so much!!!
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