Sunday, April 25, 2010

We are finally getting Jack dedicated today. It's kind of a process at our church, and you don't always know when they are doing it...and life is crazy so we're just now doing it.

I'm not sure if it seems more meaningful when they are younger, or older. I feel like it's really just a public declaration of the way we've decided to parent. Jack already prays every night, and we read lots of Jesus it doesn't seem like some huge thing...other than going public with it. On the other hand it's neat to know that when they pray over him, he knows what praying is and will have a small idea of what is going on.

It also feels a little weird without having any family here for it...maybe that makes it feel like less of an ordeal. Thankfully we have really good friends that are going to help us watch Josh and take pictures and videos.

I'm excited to do it, and to have it done. I've been feeling like a bad parent not having done it sooner.

Excited to know we've "officially" committed Jack to God!

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