A month and a half since I've posted? That is ridiculous! As has been our lives!
In the past month we've been out of town for a week and a half, been to a funeral, a wedding, had Josh's last baseball game, had Josh's 5th birthday party, been to two birthday parties, baked for three weddings, helped friends walk through major tragedy, had Josh's last day of school, and lots more!
It seems ridiculous to try to catch up all at once so future posts may becoming on some of those. For now, I'll give you an update on where we are:
Home, and resting! We've finally settled into a summer routine (after a bumpy first week!). It's been very relaxed with lots of fun random happenings.
This morning was National Donut Day so for breakfast the boys and I headed over to Krispy Kreme for our free (and a few more) donuts. It's been so nice to have the ability to just do random things with the boys! I feel like I have a lot more "cool mom" points for it as well! (sorry these aren't great they are from my phone)

Right now my favorite thing Josh is doing is praying, his prayers are awesome, they usually go some thing like this "Dear God please keep all my friends, and family, and all my people safe, please help me get another game ball, please help all the bad guys turn into good guys and help the good guys beat the bad guys, thank you for my Iron Man, and Spiderman and my legos and my house and mommy and daddy and brother, sorry for the bad things I did, thank you for dying on the cross, please come live in my heart, amen."
It's pretty much awesome!
Jacker (our nickname for him) it jabbering up a storm and putting small sentences together. His usually consist of "No, it's mine", "all done eating", and" "Josh hurt me". Josh also always needed encouragement praying but Jack is a champ about it. He wants to pray all the time and never let us forget to. He'll even ask at random moments throughout the day "pway?". I love it.
So that's a quick glimpse. Hopefully I'll get more details up for y'all next week!
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