Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hooray, we officially have all of our boxes unpacked! Now this does by no means mean that everything has it's place and is organized, but at least we have no more boxes. Other than the blocking of our entire front entry way by the mound of them waiting to be picked up by the moving company, but they are empty so they don't count!

In other news, our computer is finally working somewhere other than the floor, thanks to Chris's technical genius, so I have finally been able to upload some pictures. Here is the link:

Monday, July 14, 2008

Sorry for the delay in an update! We have been VERY busy and have a had a lot of things come up that we needed to take care of. Plus we just now have internet, that has been a headache in of itself.

Everything has gone well, we are here are fairly settled. Only a dozen or so more boxes left to unpack, but lots of organizing to do. We love our new house! It's great. It has an amazing view, is peaceful, and has an amazing back yard. Not to mention to squeaky floors, no leaky basements, doorknobs that work and have handles on them, a 2 car garage, our own bathroom with double sinks, a garbage disposal, and so much more!

We also love Atlanta. We are 10 minutes from EVERYTHING! Just about any restaurant or store you can imagine. The people are so friendly and nice, and we totally ran into Matt Redman in Target. I don't think life can get any better. So far the only down side is that we may be gaining weight here. We've had Chick-Fil-A like 5 time since last Saturday, and are still not sick of it yet. We've had Longhorn, and Krispy Kreme, and there are lots more to try, although now that I have my kitchen in functioning order those will be special treats.

So everything is going well, and I will try to post some more pictures soon. There also may be a special post coming about the AMAZINGNESS of our Whole Foods.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

The house is packed and is en route to Atlanta. So are we! We're in NJ until Saturday morning when we head out for our two day trip to our new home.

We're all pretty excited to get there. Josh said good bye to his old room and is looking forward to his new one. Jack is doing great. His keeping a schedule is helping to make the transition a lot smoother!

I cannot post any pictures until we get our computer unpack, which probably will be at the earliest the end of next week, but after that I will post more.

Will keep you all updated, happy 4th of July to all!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More pictures:

Everyone is doing well.

Movers come tomorrow. Crazy!