Monday, December 06, 2010

A moment

I feel like we are finally getting to a place where we can breathe. At least for a moment. Before the baby comes, and church launches, and baseball season...we've been having some moments.

Mind you this weekend those moments were mostly breathed with the smell of spray painting fumes, but they were still there.

We knew that God was having us make some big transitions at the beginning of the year, but I don't think we quite knew what we were signing up for. Story of our lives : )

In the past 4 or so months we have:
- started our oldest in kindergarten and dealt with all the crazy transitioning that involves
- Chris has started a new position as a supervisor within his company which requires more work time and mental focus
- Committed to be involved in an Acts 29 church plant
- Chris started leading worship for the church plant (which involves practice once a week, picking out songs and planning another night and then showing up early on Sundays and playing)
- Had our second baseball season of which Chris helped coach
- Day time potty trained Jack (at not even 2 1/2 I'm not pushing nights)
- Did 3 weddings with CupKates (one of which was in Hilton Head), and then started saying no a lot
- Transitioned both of the boys into sleeping in the same room
- Almost completely painted baby girl's room
- I committed to writing or organizing the curriculum for our children's ministry each week
- Sorted out and in the process of getting rid of all our baby boy clothes
- Are mid way through the process of refinishing the dresser, crib and chair for baby girl's room.

And I think I'm forgetting a few things. It's been crazy and exhausting and fabulous all at the same time.

However there is only so long you can go so hard without eventually burning out. And we were pretty dang close. All right I won't lie, with all the pregnancy hormones, I was totally there.

And then there was Thanksgiving. Josh had the week off and Chris took two days off so we had 5 wonderful days together to rest and get some things done. We had probably one of the most laid back Thanksgiving days I remember ever having. It was just our family and there was no schedule or pressure. I still cooked a meal big enough for 10 (and didn't cook again that weekend!) but it wasn't stressful at all.

Even though life is still kind of crazy we are both getting used to the craziness and figuring out how to have even better boundaries with our time (and say no!). We try to make the most of our down time and are learning to let some things slide.

The boys have done amazingly well amidst all the transition. Josh finally found a routine with school about October. He reads like a champ and is doing well with his writing. We still have some rough days here and there but it's usually linked to lack of sleep and the fact that he is too social for his own good! Seriously, just about every where we go Josh knows someone. He's enjoyed mom going through what he'll learn on Sunday with him ahead of time, and has been memorizing the scripture to go along with it without any problem. He has John 17:17 down.

We were in baby girls room and I was painting while he was playing with Iron Man. I had on a Matt Chandler podcast and pause it for some reason. He told me "don't turn it off, I want to learn more about God". Love it.

Jack has amazed me. He's been doing wonderfully with potty training. I was some what dreading putting both of them in the same room. I had in my mind that it would be bad and they would keep each other up and neither one of them would get enough sleep, and neither would Chris or I. I've been amazed at what a smooth transition it has been. What a blessing. And much of it is because of little man's easy going personality, and his adoration for his older brother.

I love that God is so much smarter than I am. I thought it would be perfect to have a girl in the middle of two boys. I'm glad He knew better! I'm so grateful for the special relationship those two have. Josh calls Jack his "best brother", a combination of brother and best friend.

Hopefully I'll have more moments for this. I miss blogging, the outlet it provides and the record I have of where we are in life. I hate the feeling that life is flying by and I'm not getting enough time with my boys at this very brief stage with them. At the same time I know we are called to much of what we're involved in and can't say no to much else either. Maybe this is just the classic strain of early parenthood.

Praying for more moments.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Catch Up- Josh

Josh. Where to begin?

So he started kindergarten. That is one of the biggest transitions our family has been through for awhile. Mind you we had lots of other transitions going on, but I think this was the largest that we've been through with one particular kid.

It was a rough start. The sleeping schedule alone was enough to wipe us all out. We are a family of night owls. We all enjoying staying up late and can do so without any problem. For the most part (before school) after late nights the boys would generally sleep in. So Friday nights would be family nights where we would stay up late and the boys would conveniently sleep in on Saturdays. We also frequently did this during the week in the summer. Even during preschool Josh's average bedtime was 9pm, and he would wake up just before 9am.

We went from that to him needing to be in bed by 8pm and be up by 7am. Quite the switch for all of us, especially me who was one tired pregnant mama and had enjoyed her boys letting her sleep in until 9am most mornings.

So we started kindergarten tired, and not getting as much family time as we were used to.

On top of that our very active and talkative 5 year old boy needed to transition into an environment where he was asked to be still and attentive the majority of 6 hours each day. I cringe for him.

But eventually he has to learn how to operate under this mindset because it's how the rest of the world functions. If we delayed the process he would be trying to figure it out later, when everyone else around him already had.

The first month and a half had him coming home with checkmarks or card flips (even worse than checkmarks) almost every day. Some things seemed silly (like not playing pretend guns on the playground, and not talking during lunch), and other things were a pretty big deal (like hitting and pushing other kids, regularly talking out of turn and not listening to his teacher). Did I mention it was rough?

We were trying everything we knew to, positive encouragement and rewards, consequences for getting in trouble, more quality time...all the things you're supposed to do that just take time. After much prayer and many days of feeling like a failure, finally something clicked. Josh had to make the choice to behave and we knew he was smart enough and capable of doing so. One day he finally just decided to do it.

We went overboard with praise and rewards. Then he did it again, and again. So far we've had 5 days in a row where he hasn't gotten any checkmarks or card flips. He's still averaging about once a week having something sent home, but from where we were that is a vast improvement. Generally it's the kind of issues he's going to spend a lifetime learning self control in, like talking out of turn.

All in all we're feeling as though we may survive kindergarten after all.

Other than discipline issues, Josh really enjoys school. Turns out he's kind of smart and catches on to everything very quickly. He can count to 100, and recognize the numbers as well as do basic addition. He's pretty much reading, although this is a bit hard to gage. He has a great memory and so just reading a book through once, he has almost all of it memorized. We're trying to throw lots of new words his way without any context (like pictures) to figure out what they are so he's actually sounding them out.

Other than that I feel like we're just now finding a groove to be able to really see him again. For awhile it was either school, baseball, homework, or bedtime. It's been nice to have some more time the last couple of weeks.

The last couple of afternoons we finish up his homework and I get dinner started and then we'll lay down on the couch and read Chronicles of Narnia together. So far I've been averaging about 2 chapters before he falls asleep on me. I love snuggling and having him fall asleep on me. I know my days are numbered of time like that.

He as always has some hilarious sayings, like "yesternight". If it happened yesterday night then it was "yesternight". I actually think it makes complete since and should be adapted into regular usage by society.

Last night we were laying in bed chatting and the "Cinderella" song by Stephen Curtis Chapman came on. He asked me if that was a princess, and I told him it was. I reminded him it was one of his friends Annabelle's favorite princesses, and he asks "the blue one?", of which I confirmed. He then told me that Cinderella wasn't his favorite princess, intrigued I asked why. "Because she's not as pretty, I like the mermaid one, she's really pretty." A little shocked my five year old boy was already gaging prettiness in girls I quickly rebounded explaining that what makes a girl beautiful isn't how she looks but what's in her heart. He seemed to understand although he insisted that the mermaid princess was prettier.

Interesting conversations in the Kelly house.

So that is a glimpse into Josh's world. Lots of change going on. I can really see how so many foundations for his teenage years are being put into place now. We keep joking that we're putting in the hard work now so hopefully it won't be as hard down the road. At least we're praying that's the case : )

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Catch Up

So as promised, I'm going to try to catch up on several things in multiple posts.

This one will mainly be about pregnancy and baby girl.

We are still somewhat shocked and in awe of God's goodness and blessing over our growing daughter. Each night we pray with the boys and Chris would always pray "and please help it to be a girl." Josh had told us he thought it was a girl from the get go. And I'm not going to lie, I'd been praying that it was since before I knew I was pregnant.

All that said, we were both trusting in God and bracing ourselves for a different outcome the morning of the ultrasound. Every part of me wanted to be worried and anxious but over and over I just gave it over to God and trusted that no matter what the situation was, it was what it was because of His love for us and because He would be most glorified through that. And that is better than anything I could desire or imagine.

My sweet nurse doing the ultrasound knew what we were there for and got right down to business. Baby girl was being shy and kept her legs glued shut for the first five minutes. She would start to squirm, but nothing enough to get the "money shot". The nurse was about ready to tell me what it and prefaced it with "I'm 85% sure..." I told her not to tell me unless she was 100%, especially if it was a girl.

After two boys I'm fairly familiar with what they look like on an ultrasound, and I was watching like a hawk and didn't see anything familiar. I didn't want to get my hopes up yet, but they were already inching there. Apparently Chris' were too because at this point he had stood up from his chair and moved over right by the screen. About that time our nurse got the shot she was looking for and proudly announced to us that it was a girl.

Daddy grinned, and me (the non-crier) may have teared up. God is so good.

Pregnancy and the process surrounding it is definitely not easy on me. I try to be a trooper but admittedly have rough days and when I'm so ready to be normal again. It was such a blessing that in all that we'd been through God chose to not just answer our prayer to make it clear that He had heard us, and had been walking through it all with us. I'm still in awe of his goodness and mercy.

As far as I go there are some overall similarities to my other pregnancies, and some differences. I had my typical all day sickness really bad the first 13 weeks. Lots of days where I ask myself what the heck I was thinking doing this again. Exhaustion as well and feeling like a failure that I couldn't do anything more than sit on the couch most days.

About 13 weeks it let up a bit and I was able to return to a certain level of normal functionality. With both the boys I usually didn't feel completely normal until about 20 weeks and then it was smooth sailing until the last month or so. 20 weeks have come and gone with this one and I still am really tired and wake up most morning with stomach aches. Food is still not very appealing to me, and I'm tired of having to force food in my body every 3 hours. Which if you know anything about me, you know this is a very different relationship with food than I normally have.

Overall though I'm getting a long pretty well. While it gets really frustrating to have my house messier and less stuff done, I'm trying to be thankful for the miracle inside of me and treasure even the rough parts.

We're getting started on the nursery soon, with the hopes to have the majority of it finished before the holidays, but we'll see.

We're still enjoying all the girliness coming our way!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A quick glimpse at what is going on with us:

Also, we finally got a new computer after the other one had been crapping out on us for months. This will allow more blogging since it no longer takes my computer 15 minutes to start up and shuts down on it's own after being on 2 minutes.

More details about the generalities listed in the blog post above hopefully coming soon.

Also, in cased you missed it... we're having a BABY GIRL!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Almost there

Well it's Friday, and I think we may survive this whole school business, but I'm not going to's been rough!

The hardest part has been changing sleep patterns. Josh has difficulty falling asleep before 9pm, which means he's running about 2 hours short on sleep every night. I keep hoping his body will take over from exhaustion soon and let him sleep. It's been hard for me too as my body is still demanding extra levels of rest. Being a night owl myself it's hard to get in the habit of going to be 2 hours earlier than I typically do.

We're also used to either running errands, heading to the park or going out for a treat at night. All of which the school hours do not allow. Daddy comes home, we eat dinner, clean up, play a little and then start the bedtime process. We miss fun family time just as much as the boys!

I'm also used to a preschool environment where they are extra loving and helpful and give you a run down of your kids day- every day. That's not the case with elementary school. I don't get a rundown each day, and Josh is so exhausted from it all I can barely get two sentences about his 6+ hours there out of him. It's hard to have such little information.

Dropping him off in the morning has been pretty difficult as well. The first day I still had my child lock on the car door so I had to get out and hold up the car pool line while I let him out. Once he gets out, he doesn't know where to go, so he's depending on a teacher to help him. So far the teachers haven't been the quickest to come help. So I have to unwillingly inch off seeing my little boy confused and disoriented looking for help. Thankfully a teacher usually comes and helps by the time I have to completely pull away...but I'm sure it's not an easy way to start the morning, for him or me.

Today was big though, and much needed encouragement! He got out of the car, didn't pause to look for a teacher but marched straight to his hallway door and proceeded right in. He knew what he was doing. We're all figuring it out, slowly but surely.

I'm so very thankful to have friends down here that have been through it. They empathize with the difficulty of it, but encourage me that it will get a month they hit their stride. It will seem routine, they will share more about what they learned and we will understand more about how the school works. Between that and his morning departure we are ending the week on an up note.

Plus baseball practice starts today. Something the whole family is looking forward to. It will be nice for Josh to get out and have some fun playing with friends and enjoying his favorite sport. Chris enjoys coaching as well, and Jack has dirt, rocks, a playground and big boys to watch. He couldn't enjoy it more, plus he's getting a pretty good arm and already demanding I practice with him as well.

Looking forward to the weekend to get refreshed!

Monday, August 09, 2010


Well, it's official...I officially have a kindergartner.

Josh told Jack this morning that he couldn't play with him today and would miss him. He said "I'm going to real school to learn." He did so great getting up and getting ready. I walked him in with all of his school supplies, and so I could get a few pictures. He walked right into his room with no fussing or looks back, then went with his teacher straight to his spot at his table.

I was doing okay until I hit the hallway. It was really happening. Then we got home and Jack started yelling for Josh. That about put me over as well. It will be a major transition for all of us. The biggest of which will probably be the sleep schedule.

It's begun. I'm pretty sure we just entered the most difficult phase of parenting.

His backpack was already hurting him
Outside his classrom, his teacher is Mrs. Barron

I'm going to take the opportunity to explain our schooling choices, and why we chose what we chose. Each choice with each child is very individualized, this is just our approach with Josh.
Schooling is the most difficult choice I think we've had to make as parents so far. Mainly because in most situations there is a best option that ends in win-win. Schooling isn't that way. No matter what choice you make you are going to be giving up something, and in my opinion all the somethings are pretty big things to have to give up. In our opinion, this is what we were looking at giving up with each option:
Public- a limited cookie cutter education, no control of exposure (which is usually too much too soon)
Homeschool-their ability to start learning how to interact with the real world, taking our little light out of a place that desperately needs it, limitations of us being the main educators
Private- Um, money! And there are usually some of the same issues that public schools have
That's a very abbreviated version, and our point of view. For Josh we decided public schools would be the best option for now. We're open to evaluation at any point necessary.
There is lots of letting go. I can't keep my hands over his ears, or decide what people he can and can't be around to limit exposure. I don't get to control what he is taught. I don't get to have a say in much that goes on in that school. Which is making my prayer life much stronger : )
It also means the second he hits that car door we are communicating, open, honest, raw conversation about what his little mind is having to process through. We have to be much more diligent with the limited amount of time we now have.
With all the fears and hesitations I have about this new transition, I think they are just that- mine. Josh is excited and ready to learn. I think he is going to love school and do great!

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Lots of changes are coming in the Kelly home.

We are enjoying our last day with a preschooler because Josh starts kindergarten tomorrow.

Baseball starts back up with practice on Friday and our little all star can't wait to rejoin most of his old team mates on their new team the Marlins.

We're going to be a part of a new church plant, which means leaving our old church.

And most importantly we're adding to our numbers come beginning of February.

Will try to update on all these changes coming our way!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jack is 2!

So I'm late with this blog. Big surprise. I'm done making excuses for my delay in blogging. I'm a mom to two very active boys, have dinner on the table about every night, have a relatively clean house, am involved in ministry, maintain friendships and a good marriage, and run a small cupcake business. And I do a pretty good job at all of that. So what if I suck at blogging?

My baby turned two on June 22. Is that weird that I still sometimes forget his birthday? I always want to make it the 21. Mainly because I went into the hospital on the 21 and the whole way there I was thinking that would be what his birthday was. But the little booger stuck it out until 12:37 (I'm pretty sure on the 7). Been throwing me off ever since. Maybe I'll have it down by the time he's 5.

Early on we thought Jack might be our shy more reserved child. Any hopes of that have been forgotten in the last couple of months as Jack quite proudly will yell at the top of his lungs in stores, flirt with the grocery check out lady and walk right up to give Mr. Bob a high five on the way into church.

We didn't do a huge party for him this year, mainly because we're trying an "every other" approach to birthday parties. Especially since all of ours are so close together, not only are they expensive, they're a lot of work. And the boys usually seem to have just as much, if not more fun having some sort of fun family outing together. On the day of Jack got a cupcake with a candle, then that Friday we went as a family to see Toy Story 3 in the theater. It was Jack's first time in the theater, and he seemed to love it! He got super excited for the dinosaur (Rex)! He sat entirely still for every bit of 3/4 of the movie. I'm sure the popcorn, coke, twizzlers and peanut m&m's helped keep his attention.

Jack is a little firecracker these days. We seem to make kids with spunk, and we love it! Conversations in the car are impossible because he's talking almost nonstop these days. Lots of "mommy, look, tree!", yelling at his brother or playing with his choo-choo-train. He's getting very good at expressing himself and is daily increasing in his ability to "use his words" instead of just breaking down into tears, throwing a fit or hitting out of anger. He loves to tackle daddy and "fight"with his brother. He does just about everything Josh does and has a full range or Iron Man noises he can make just like big brother.

He's at that wonderful point where something can keep his attention span for an extended period of time, like movies or books. He loves to play and go all day long, but still will make time to snuggle with mommy and daddy.

He loves trains, and tractors and trucks, but also enjoys all the superhero stuff- mainly because big brother does. He drinks like none other. If he goes more than an hour without a drink can down and entire sippy of ice water- his favorite. He eats fruit like it's candy, doesn't like macaroni and cheese but loves chicken and potatoes. So far he listens great and has pretty good control over his emotions, meaning fits are easily diffused. He delays going to bed and asks multiple "mommy...?" questions as I try to get out the door. He has his daddy's sense of humor and loves to make people laugh.

We're already well into the discipline process, but sometimes he's so cute and has such an adorable look he gives us we can't help but break down in laughter. We regularly get stopped by people telling us how cute Jack is. Then they see Josh and they tell us how adorable both our boys are. We try to act humble, but...we know.

Most people rip the twos, but I really enjoy them there's so many fun things you get to teach them and they can interact so much more. We are very thankful for our precious two year old!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Once I found out I was having a boy I started noticing the behavior of older boys, using them as a basis to decide what my boys would and would not do.

They wouldn't run into other people and not say excuse me, they wouldn't run around in public places unattended, and they wouldn't be into all the superhero stuff.

Ah the bliss of pre-parental naivete.

I still make efforts in the other two areas, but the superhero thing is a lost cause. Before I thought kids being into superheros meant they were watching the shows, always wanting to kill things, an every one of their shirts had some sort of good guy or villain on it.

I'm slowly learning. Josh doesn't watch the cartoons. And thankfully we no longer have TV so I don't have to fight the fight of why not. He has watched a VERY mom and dad edited version of Iron Man 1. And it made us the coolest parents ever. He has a FEW shirts that have super guys on it, but his bedding, towels, church clothes and the majority of his every day clothes are superhero free. I cave on PJ's.

Jack has followed his big brother, and even though he's just under two is already loving every thing super hero related. He knows how to say Iron Man and Spider Man and well as "tower of power". He also can distinguish between Iron Man and Spider man.

And I'm okay with all of it. I some what understand (as well as a girl can) that it fulfills the battles between good and evil in them. I love that it's an in for me in giving them insight into the gospel (God and Jesus were the superest super guys EVER and they beat ALL the bad guys). I also love that they want to be good, and protect and be strong and brave. Every thing I want my boys to be.

I was drinking out of one of the many superhero cups we had the other day. This one happened to be Spider Man, and Josh told me..."mom Spider Man's your favorite, right? Because he's red...". While red is my favorite color I found myself thinking about the fact that I never imagined myself enjoying superheros in the least. But they're my favorite because they're my boys favorite.

For some reason Josh has started calling his veins "wires". He'll tell us he can see all his wires in his body. No amount of convincing can make him believe they are veins. They are wires. And the other day he told me he really wanted to be Iron Man. Not just pretend be Iron Man, but for real be Iron Man.

I hope one day he gets to be a real life super guy.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Where Has the Time Gone?

A month and a half since I've posted? That is ridiculous! As has been our lives!

In the past month we've been out of town for a week and a half, been to a funeral, a wedding, had Josh's last baseball game, had Josh's 5th birthday party, been to two birthday parties, baked for three weddings, helped friends walk through major tragedy, had Josh's last day of school, and lots more!

It seems ridiculous to try to catch up all at once so future posts may becoming on some of those. For now, I'll give you an update on where we are:

Home, and resting! We've finally settled into a summer routine (after a bumpy first week!). It's been very relaxed with lots of fun random happenings.
This morning was National Donut Day so for breakfast the boys and I headed over to Krispy Kreme for our free (and a few more) donuts. It's been so nice to have the ability to just do random things with the boys! I feel like I have a lot more "cool mom" points for it as well! (sorry these aren't great they are from my phone)
Right now my favorite thing Josh is doing is praying, his prayers are awesome, they usually go some thing like this "Dear God please keep all my friends, and family, and all my people safe, please help me get another game ball, please help all the bad guys turn into good guys and help the good guys beat the bad guys, thank you for my Iron Man, and Spiderman and my legos and my house and mommy and daddy and brother, sorry for the bad things I did, thank you for dying on the cross, please come live in my heart, amen."
It's pretty much awesome!
Jacker (our nickname for him) it jabbering up a storm and putting small sentences together. His usually consist of "No, it's mine", "all done eating", and" "Josh hurt me". Josh also always needed encouragement praying but Jack is a champ about it. He wants to pray all the time and never let us forget to. He'll even ask at random moments throughout the day "pway?". I love it.
So that's a quick glimpse. Hopefully I'll get more details up for y'all next week!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

We are finally getting Jack dedicated today. It's kind of a process at our church, and you don't always know when they are doing it...and life is crazy so we're just now doing it.

I'm not sure if it seems more meaningful when they are younger, or older. I feel like it's really just a public declaration of the way we've decided to parent. Jack already prays every night, and we read lots of Jesus it doesn't seem like some huge thing...other than going public with it. On the other hand it's neat to know that when they pray over him, he knows what praying is and will have a small idea of what is going on.

It also feels a little weird without having any family here for it...maybe that makes it feel like less of an ordeal. Thankfully we have really good friends that are going to help us watch Josh and take pictures and videos.

I'm excited to do it, and to have it done. I've been feeling like a bad parent not having done it sooner.

Excited to know we've "officially" committed Jack to God!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Over a month with no posts. Sorry. Life has been crazy, and May looks to be the same...however summer is just around the corner!

In that time we have had Easter, I went on a mission trip, and we had Chris's 30th birthday.


-Easter was crazy since I was getting ready to leave at 5am Monday morning after it. Thankfully I was able to talk a lot about it the week leading up to it. Josh seemed to get what it was all for, and Jack's still too young.

-My trip was much to cover, but it was really awesome getting to see the students in action and how God is working in, and through them, and even calling some of them. However I think the best reward from going was the statement Josh made after I got home. He was asked if he wanted me to go again and he responded "No....but I want you to be able to tell more people about Jesus." I guess he's good with me leaving if I'm at least telling them about Jesus : ) And then to make Daddy proud he followed it up with "...but not to where you went because they have the Phillies and I don't like them."

- We threw Chris a surprise party for his birthday. It was nice to celebrate with friends here but I think we are both looking forward to having a more laid back quiet celebration in STL. Or maybe not so quiet depending on what mood the STL fans are in!

Jack is talking up a storm, and can communicate just about any of his needs or wants which is very nice. He also went pee on the potty for the first time last week. Who knows if it will keep up, but so far he's pretty good about telling us when he goes (after the fact, so we need to work on timing). He regularly gets told when we are out and about that he's too pretty to be a boy. I think it's a good thing. Chris thinks we need to cut his hair.

Josh is doing great in school, and is super smart. He read a lot of words and knows basic math. We just picked up his kindergarten enrollment forms (tear). So weird that he is that old. It seems like just yesterday I had the kid! He's been doing amazing at baseball. Since spring break every time he has been up to bat he has hit a home run off the coaches pitch. 4 home runs! I think having Pujols' number helps him!

So that's our life, busy but wonderful. I think we are all looking forward to summer to rest a little bit. Spring is like Christmas with all the birthdays and other events for us, and on top of it we are throwing two trips (mine to Philly, and one to STL in may) a month of weddings (for me) and lots of ministry projects.

Hopefully it won't be another month before I update again!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Both of my boys have been showing such a heart for the Lord recently. I feel so grateful.

We pray over them every night that the Lord would reveal His glory to them and for their salvation.

Every night Josh prays a prayer that he makes up that generally goes something like: Dear Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross, I'm sorry for the bad things I've done, please come live in my heart. He usually follows it up with additional requests but that's the gist of it, almost every night.

His momma happens to missionally minded and tries to teach him about some of what is going on the world and how he can help. Imagine my surprise (and delight) when out of the blue he ran up to me and told me we needed to get food and toys for the kids in Haiti.

When something is wrong he wants to pray for it. He's been sick recently and he wanted to call Chris's grandpa (who taught him how to pray, and has quite the legacy of prayer) otherwise known as Papa Ted and ask him to pray for him. What joy to watch my 4 3/4 year old bow his head and be prayed for by his great grandpa.

Jack also seems to have a heart for prayer. Every night I get ready to rock him he wants to pray. That boy will not let me forget or skip a night! Even if it's 10:30 and he can barley keep his eyes open, you better believe we are going to "pway".

If there is nothing else I have done right as a mom it brings me inexplicable joy to know that so far we have been given the grace to impart a heart for the Lord to our boys.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I adore my boys. Boys are crazy and messy and non stop. But they are fun, and mine happen to be especially sweet and mostly surprisingly well behaved.

I'm not quite as thrilled with how quickly time seems to be whizzing by though.

Josh has started t-ball and is all boy (no little) in his helmet and cleats. Between that and his starting kindergarten in the fall I am painfully aware of the fact that my oldest is now a school aged kid. I'm thrilled to be able to get unsolicited "I love you's" and hugs still. He will still occasionally snuggle with me as well. Lucky me.

It's been a lot of fun to see him in baseball. It's so his thing. And soccer so wasn't. He never kicked things around. However he was throwing things shortly after 6 months. Even though it's a bit slower sport that involves a lot more technique and things to remember he already seems to be holding his own on the field. And daddy (coach Chris) couldn't be happier.

Jack has apparently hit the terrible two's early (although I never thought they were all that terrible). He's started showing his defiant side and isn't the least bit timid about telling me "no" or looking me in the eye while he disobeys. It seems much more bearable having been through it once and knowing the key to it: unwavering discipline and boundaries. No giving in!

While I love having a toddler it's been hard to know there's hardly any baby left. Maybe this is why the youngests are usually spoiled: because the parents have learned how quickly it all goes by and what to hold on to as much of the baby phase as they can. I get it now. We're not doing that, but I get it.

I do love that he still wants me to rock with him before he goes to sleep. Mind you instead of quietly snuggling it's now filled with praying and talking, but I'll take it. As soon as we hit the rocker he asks me to "pway". He folds his hands and closes his eyes for about a second, but usually stays quiet (as long as big brother isn't around). He says "Jeus" when trying to "in Jesus name", but his favorite part is "AMEN", which he nails. And yells.

I love the phases both of them are in. I just wish I could slow down my own life to take more of it in!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jack is transitioning from calling me "mama", or "ma" when he's yelling at me to "mommy".

The only issue being that what in his mind sounds like "mommy" actually comes out sounding much more like "money".

I'll take it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's been a fun filled few weeks.

Jack is caught in limbo between a few remaining signs of babyishness (like falling asleep in my arms, and needing me every time he hurts himself) and full fledged toddlerdom.

When we tell him love you, he will reply, "wuv wu". When I was trying to get him to say it to me just before he fell asleep the other night all he would do is respond by making farting noises with his mouth.

He is repeating (literally) every word we say. We're trying to encourage him to put more words together so this is a typical scenario at dinner: (Chris) I (Jack) I (Chris) want (Jack)wanT (Chris) down. (Jack) dow.

His favorite word is "no". But he doesn't seem to quite get the concept of the word. He tells us "no" for everything. We'll ask him if he wants to eat (when we know he's hungry)- no, if he wants to play- no, if he wants down from dinner- no. He also says "no" like Andy from The Office. It sounds like "noo-wa".

Both the boys loved playing in the unexpected 4 inches of snow we got a week ago. It was nice to see Jack warm up to it this time around. He still wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but at least he enjoyed himself.

Josh also enjoyed his first day playing "hookie" for one of his best friends birthday party today.

He showed himself to be of a child of a technically advanced generation with a great one liner the other day. He got a kids digital camera for Christmas and had been using it the other day and he turned to me and told me "hey mom, we should put these up on facebook".

He starts t-ball tomorrow with his first practice. We're preparing ourselves for the major schedule adjustment.

Transitioning into being parents of a school-aged child is not with out it's difficulties!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I feel like there is a lot to update on and yet I can't think of words to do it justice or even specific examples.

Chris and I both have been marveling at the changes in Jack. He's officially a little boy and getting into almost as much trouble as his brother. His biggest word to date is "cupcake". Go figure.

We had a fun instance the other day when I went to get him up from his nap. He'd has a dirty diaper and had decided to take it off. And play with it. And get it e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Nothing else in life can prepare you for some of the experiences of motherhood. On the bright side, I remember Josh did that once and it wasn't too much longer before he started potty training.

Josh has been doing so good at school and we are so proud of him. Not that he's not always good but this semester they have started "quiet time" during lunch. They put a timer on for ten minutes and the kids are supposed to sit still and be quiet. Well for those of you who have met my oldest know this might as well have been asking the impossible. The first few weeks were pretty rough. We started having consequences/rewards for his behavior after he got home. It was hit and miss for awhile, but for the last four days of school he has stayed on green every day! Quite the accomplishment for the little man.

He also really enjoyed having his friends (and their parents) over for a Super Bowl party on Sunday. One of his best friends came over and he loves getting time to hang out with him.

We are so ready for it to start warming up and stop raining so we can get back outside and have fun with friends more. It's hard to keep boys cooped up!

Friday, January 29, 2010

I've been doing double takes recently with Jack. His hair is getting longer and right now is styled very similarly to how Josh's was at the same age. I was thinking I'd have an easier at toddlerdom with Jack since he was an easier baby that Josh, but I think I may have been mistaken in that assumption.

He acts so much like Josh did at that age, running as fast as his little feet will carry him, bumping into all sorts of things on a regular basis, testing the boundaries of "no", relishing in making people laugh and repeating whatever behavior elicited it. He's jabbering up a storm when he's around us or other people that are familiar, but shys up around new people. He's started putting two words together like "up, please" and is working on multi-syllable words like "cracker" and can name pretty much every one of his body parts.

His cute (albeit sometimes obnoxious) habit that he has is when he wants you to hold him he stands in front of you with his arms reaching up. If you are at something like a counter (which as a cook I regularly am) he pushes and wedges himself in there until he has placed himself between you and the counter disabling ones ability to get anything done. And then he looks at you with his baby blues and says "u" over and over. Which is his way of saying up.

Josh's funniest moment recently was when he came home singing "Pants on the Ground" from school. For those of you not in the know it's a song that was on American Idol. Even though he occasionally gets to watch some of Idol, he missed that part so I guess one of the kids at school started it. He told us his teacher was singing it as well. I think this is just the beginning of all sorts of "fun" things he'll learn at school.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We've had a fairly mellow and healthy couple of weeks, we almost don't know what to do with ourselves!

Josh has officially started reading. His interest level isn't as high as I would like (meaning he'll entertain you through a few words and then he looses patience, I can't imagine where he gets that from...) but he'll let you read to him all day long plus progress is progress and I'm pretty proud of him! He points out letters everywhere and his favorite book for me to read to him is the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (by C.S. Lewis). A non-picture book. I'm so proud!

He has also been praying some very entertaining prayers recently. Some snippets are: "please help the people in Haiti and watch over my family and help none of their cities to catch on fire." and "please help Sonic and all my superhero friends beat up all the bad guys" plus " please help my head to feel better and Dad, don't EVER do that again, okay?!".

The last one he was praying after him and Chris had been building Hot Wheels race tracks and he was standing on a chair to reach the tracks. He climbed up too fast and fell between the chair onto the fireplace. Scared us really bad we thought he had dislocated his shoulder or broke his arm or something, thankfully it was just some really bad bumps and bruises on his head, shoulder, elbow and hand.

Jack's letting more and more of his personality shine through and there is a lot of feistiness coming out in it (I personally applaud a little feistiness so don't read that negatively). He knows how to pretend to fuss to get Josh in trouble, he can fake cry or pout to try to get his way and he also will come lean on you and look up at you with his adorable baby blue eyes and just gently rub your leg until you cave and pick him up. The boy knows how to work it.

He's also reached the age where he has the patience to read books so it's been fun getting to read to both him and Josh together and working on creating a bedtime routine that we can do with both of them. Transitioning Jack out of the rocking phase into the bedtime story phase.

Jack is also fascinated with the potty. He follows everyone in there when they go and comments on whatever business you're doing in there. Whenever someone goes he always wants us to take his diaper off and let him try to go too. He's also started going off in a place and standing with his knees slightly bent when he has to go #2. It's really funny to watch if you catch him, but if he sees you watching him he freaks out and starts crying and won't stop until you change him. I'm not sure if all that means anything, he may very well not end up being potty trained until he's 2 1/2 but it's interesting to see him catching on so quick and being aware.

That's pretty much life with us. We've been doing some painting around the house as well and it's nice to start getting (and having the time to) get some things done around the house again. I think I've gone through almost every closet and gotten it organized in the last two months. I'm not sure what it is about Christmas that makes the amount of stuff we have more noticeable, but I'm not a fan of clutter or junk so there have been lots of Goodwill trips.

I find organization with two boys plays a large role in my sanity. Now if I could just figure out what to do about laundry.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Check out what Josh and I did today on my CupKates (my business) blog:

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I had to make an emergency trip to the dentist yesterday. That was a first (strangely).

While at church Jack fell and hit his mouth really bad. We thought it was just a bumped lip and it would be fine, but when we tried to feed him lunch he couldn't eat or drink he was in so much pain.

We thought the next morning would be better since mouth injuries tend to heal pretty quickly, but when he took a bite of something he started crying. After checking things out a little bit I realized that the pain seemed to be coming mostly from his teeth. Great.

Long story short, the visit was much less traumatic than I was expecting (expectation courtesy of Josh) it to be. One tooth is loose, but thankfully the root isn't broken. However they won't know for about a month (when we have to go back) if it's damaged the nerve endings or blood supply (which would make it turn brown).

Add additional medical bills boys incur to post below.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

I have heard several people comment on how girls are more expensive to have than boys. Mainly because of the cost of the wedding.

I disagree with that. Not only do the guys parents have to cover the rehearsal, but there is one major factor that everyone fails to take into consideration about the expense of boys:

All of the money you have to pay to fix or replace all of the many, many, many things that the boys destroy!

In the last 24 hours Josh has managed to tear a hole in our couch and sit on silly putty which was on the afghan my grandma made me, in his new superman costume he got for Christmas.

So in case your counting, mom gets to either fix or replace a couch, an afghan, and a superman outfit. Although I will not be replacing the silly putty.

Friday, January 01, 2010

So I'm kind of anal about what I feed my kids. Not obsessive, but I don't like them to have junk. I know if I can make it it's going to be way better than anything I could buy that's full of preservatives and artificial coloring and other kinds of yucky stuff. My two biggest "no-no's" are hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup, mainly because it easily weeds out a lot of junk.

Chris had a big party at his work this week and they were pushing food off on employees. I guess from his college days he's always enjoyed chewy chips ahoy, and when they were up for grabs gladly took them off their hands. He also decided he would bring them home.

He brought them in to get them checked, and I told them I didn't think it was a good idea (high fructose corn syrup, plus we still had several homemade desserts left over from the holidays), but the kids had already spotted them. I told Josh they weren't very good because the had high fructose corn syrup, but of course he didn't care.

After eating them he looked over at me and claimed "mmmm, I love high corn syrup!"