Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Both of my boys have been showing such a heart for the Lord recently. I feel so grateful.

We pray over them every night that the Lord would reveal His glory to them and for their salvation.

Every night Josh prays a prayer that he makes up that generally goes something like: Dear Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross, I'm sorry for the bad things I've done, please come live in my heart. He usually follows it up with additional requests but that's the gist of it, almost every night.

His momma happens to missionally minded and tries to teach him about some of what is going on the world and how he can help. Imagine my surprise (and delight) when out of the blue he ran up to me and told me we needed to get food and toys for the kids in Haiti.

When something is wrong he wants to pray for it. He's been sick recently and he wanted to call Chris's grandpa (who taught him how to pray, and has quite the legacy of prayer) otherwise known as Papa Ted and ask him to pray for him. What joy to watch my 4 3/4 year old bow his head and be prayed for by his great grandpa.

Jack also seems to have a heart for prayer. Every night I get ready to rock him he wants to pray. That boy will not let me forget or skip a night! Even if it's 10:30 and he can barley keep his eyes open, you better believe we are going to "pway".

If there is nothing else I have done right as a mom it brings me inexplicable joy to know that so far we have been given the grace to impart a heart for the Lord to our boys.


renee said...

i love this, katie! thank you for the example you are!

Kristin Eldridge said...


Grammyof13 said...

Thank the Lord for Mothers like yourself. His little gifts are never too young to understand about HIM. And the part of teaching him how he can help is priceless. Keep up the good work and Happy early Mother's Day.
