Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I feel like there is a lot to update on and yet I can't think of words to do it justice or even specific examples.

Chris and I both have been marveling at the changes in Jack. He's officially a little boy and getting into almost as much trouble as his brother. His biggest word to date is "cupcake". Go figure.

We had a fun instance the other day when I went to get him up from his nap. He'd has a dirty diaper and had decided to take it off. And play with it. And get it e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Nothing else in life can prepare you for some of the experiences of motherhood. On the bright side, I remember Josh did that once and it wasn't too much longer before he started potty training.

Josh has been doing so good at school and we are so proud of him. Not that he's not always good but this semester they have started "quiet time" during lunch. They put a timer on for ten minutes and the kids are supposed to sit still and be quiet. Well for those of you who have met my oldest know this might as well have been asking the impossible. The first few weeks were pretty rough. We started having consequences/rewards for his behavior after he got home. It was hit and miss for awhile, but for the last four days of school he has stayed on green every day! Quite the accomplishment for the little man.

He also really enjoyed having his friends (and their parents) over for a Super Bowl party on Sunday. One of his best friends came over and he loves getting time to hang out with him.

We are so ready for it to start warming up and stop raining so we can get back outside and have fun with friends more. It's hard to keep boys cooped up!

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