Thursday, October 11, 2007

Just to let everyone know:

Chris had gone in a couple of weeks ago to the dermatologist and ended up having to have 3 spots biopsied.

He went back yesterday to get the stitches removed and to find out the results. One spot was fine, the other has a form of dysplasia (pre-cancerous cells) and has to have a larger section removed and in the last one the found Melanoma.

He goes back in on Wednesday to have them cut a pretty large chunk out of his arm and only a medium sized one off his left shoulder blade. If the outer tissue that they cut for the one on his arm (the cancer spot) is clean than treatment will be through. If not, well, we're hoping not to have to deal with that until we find it necessary. The doctor think it's very early on and is expecting to find clean tissue though.

So if you would please be praying for us and him as we go through this process, that it would be a smooth procedure, as painless as possible, would heal quickly, and that the tissue results would be clean.

Thanks for the prayers!

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