Friday, March 06, 2009

Just because I haven't recently talked about how much I love Atlanta:

Today I sat out on an adventure with the kids. In researching farmers markets, I kept coming across this one called Your Dekalb Farmers Market, that people raved over. As much as I love (and think it's important) to shop naturally and organically, I'm tired of having to choose my families health, or our bank account. That is why I was researching farmers markets.

After hearing all the raves about their selection and their prices, I figured it was worth a trip. Mind you that was quite the decision. It's a 40 minute trek slightly southeast of the city, with two children, but I decided it was worth the haul. My GPS couldn't find the exact address, and Chris was in a meeting, so we ended up "wandering" around for a half an hour or so before we finally found the place, but I'm glad we did! That part of the city is SO neat! It's filled with older homes, some crazy big, and some small and quaint, but they all have very interesting architecture and charm. It turns out our science center is located in that area also.

Then I found the "downtown" of this area that had a ton of really neat looking restaurants and shops. The best way I can describe it to my STL readers is a cross of Lafayette Square, Clayton and the Loop. I can't wait to go explore that area more.

After I finally got to the market (which is about the same size as a WF's store) and got in, I think I just stood there staring for awhile. Their produce section is probably about twice as big as WF's produce section. And WF's has a serious produce section! They had so much variety (I think I spotted about 7 different varieties of BokChoy), and an organic selection for almost everything. At WF a lime is $.69, here they were $.69 a pound! I got a large container of organic strawberries for $3.99! It was amazing. I think I came home with enough produce to last us for the next 2 weeks.

They also have every kind of spice you can imagine, that they grind themselves, and are breathtakingly cheap. I think I may have walked out with at least 6 spice containers. I got a container of cinnamon (of which contained more than any typical jar) for $.63. Josh really likes cinnamon and proceeded to hang onto the container throughout the rest of the store, sniffing at will.

I could go on and on, their meat selection (lamb, goat, veal, duck, quail, cornish game hens, etc.)and prices, their deli, dairy section.... and I didn't even get to the prepared food area (which restaurant reviewers rave about). My parents come in town this weekend, and I think I may take them there. Any one who is interested in food will love this place.

I know I cannot wait to go back! Just one more reason to love Atlanta. We're planning on going to the zoo this weekend (sunny and mid 70's), maybe that will add another reason to the ever growing list!!!

1 comment:

Lant Family said...

I love discovering new places that you love. I also love farmers markets! We always had a great one in UT, I hope to find something great here. I am glad you are loving your new home and finding things that make you like it even more. Have fun at the Zoo!