Thursday, April 09, 2009

It's been spring for awhile here in GA and the bugs are already out, particularly the bees and wasps. For whatever reason they seem to be particularly attracted to our deck area, so as you can imagine Josh has gotten rather used to them.

However he has somehow developed a special name for them. Whenever he sees one he calls out "look, it's a bizz-buzz." So cute.

Jack on the other hand has developed a not so cute habit. He isn't particularly fond of being on his stomach, so when he get there he pushes himself up on his knees like he is going to crawl, but instead of crawling he pushes himself up to sitting position. Kind of obnoxious when we are trying to get him to crawl, but particularly obnoxious when you lay him down for bed time and he does it, and doesn't know how to get himself back down.

One night we had to just let him cry it out, hoping he would get so tired he would just eventually fall over. Sad.

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