Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I've know for a while now that Jack was right on the precipice of busting out all kind of language skills. Mainly because Josh went through the same thing, but we've been repeating a bunch of words to him and he just seemed to be mulling them over.

Well this weekend was his weekend. It all started with "nigh nigh" the weekend before (see post below). This weekend we've had apple, baby, baseball (no joke), night night (more pronounced), more, shoe, and more that I am probably loosing track of.

It's been fun to be able to understand what it is he wants and communicate with him more clearly, but on the other hand that was my final "he's still a baby" thing. I pretty much got nothing but a full fledged toddler now. Good thing he's an adorable and fun one.

Josh informed me the other day that he does like girls now and they're not so bad. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing now.

We've had a crazy month of October but things are finally settling down now. I'm looking forward to being more attentive to the boys adorableness to document it better in the coming weeks. I haven't had as much time to just hang with them and I really miss that.

1 comment:

Kristin Eldridge said...

Josh is funny.