Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A terrible thing happened this weekend. To make a long story short, I was fiddling with the controls on the camera and trying to adjust the aperture, and accidentally erased two weeks worth of pictures off of my camera.

Now I know to most of you this may seem like a silly thing to be so upset about, but none the less, I was upset enough to get myself to the verge of tears.

Two weeks at this stage of life for Jack is a lot to miss out on. There are also not a whole lot of pictures that get taken with my boys and I and I had two really good ones on there. Plus Jack had his first round of shots, and I had picture of the little band aids on his legs. They were tweety bird ones. I also had some really cute ones of him grinning, and of Josh holding him.

Plus we went to this festival, Celebrate Freedom, where 18 different singers and bands performed. They had the Chick Fil A cows there, and I had a bunch of pictures of Josh with them, and one of the DJ's let him get on her golf cart with the cows, and we had a picture of that.

It really is very tragic. But, all that to say, if you are feeling a need for pictures, I am sorry, but you will just have to wait until I build up enough to upload again. I also wouldn't recommend asking me about it. It's kind of a sore subject...


Lant Family said...

Oh that is SOOOO sad. I am totally a picture person and I would be so bumbed out. I almost cry when my batteries die and I don't have a backup.

Anonymous said...

Stink. It's hard to be a photographer.