Friday, February 13, 2009

Cute Jack moment:

Whenever Jack wakes up and gets out of bed, if Josh isn't already in his room by that point, Jack just stares at the door waiting for him to come in. If Josh does come in he immediately laughs and kicks his legs in excitement. It's so cute to see the admiration for big brother already showing up.

He also has the sounds "mama" and "dada" down, although I'm not quite sure he has quite figured out who to attribute them to. Although it is when he starts fussing that he usually makes the mama sound, and he never makes the dada sound around me, so maybe I'm not giving him as much credit as he deserves.

He also has his two bottom teeth in and is working on his top ones right now.

Other than that we are all well, just going non-stop. We rotate weeks that we lead the small group, and this week was our week, so it feels as though we've had a little more than usual on our plate. Hopefully the weeks that we don't lead will be a little more relaxed.

Hope everyone has a good Valentine's Day. We are doing...nothing! Well, that's not entirely true, we'll have a fun meal here and have chocolate dipped strawberries, but other than that, no plans. Personally I think V-Day is a little bit of a silly holiday. We usually try to go out around March 1, the day we had our first date, and celebrate that, so hopefully within the next week or two we'll go out for a nice meal (that will be better food and not rushed!). Chris did surprise me with two dozen roses delivered though, so that was lovely. I have a great husband!

Enjoy your weekend, hope everyone is having as fabulous weather as we are!

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