Friday, May 01, 2009

So I realize in all the craziness of the last couple of weeks, I haven't updated this blog with a very important milestone that we hit.

Jack is officially crawling. He started in STL, and when we hit home we was all over the place. The hilarious part, is it's not crawling in a standard form.He has one knee bent in a normal crawling position, but the other he has his foot on the ground with his knee up in a 90 degree angle, and uses that leg to push off.

It's pretty entertaining to watch. However, I'm kind of over it. Having one that I already have to chase around, the whole having to hold him all the time (even when he is pushing away and squirming because he wants to get down and can't) thing is kind of getting old. I'm ready for walking. And he doesn't seem too far off. He'll pull himself to standing, and even stand for a little bit on his own.

We'll see. Just wanted to update everyone on little Jacksters progress!

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