Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I should have updated on this a couple of weeks ago, but I have been really busy, and I didn't want to get ahead of myself. But I think it's official that we are a pull-up (for night time) and bottle free house! Woo Hoo! It feels weird to be without the bottles in particular since those have been a part of our lives for the last four years (Josh used an empty one to fall asleep until he was 3, reason #37 why Jack was never allowed to fall asleep with bottles).

My grocery budget in particular is happy to be without the pull-ups. Those suckers are expensive. I still have a pile of coupons if anyone is interested.

Jack is walking around everywhere and gains more and more stable each day. He's learning more new words and loves to play with his big brother. I pray that they will continue to be so close as they get older.

As much as I wanted a girl with our second pregnancy, I'm very thankful God had another plan. I don't think Josh would have known what to do with a girl just yet (we are at an overwhelming peak of the gun phase) and it's so fun to see them becoming so close, something I'm not sure would have happened right away with a girl. Plus this way I get to make them share a room. Muahahaha.

I feel like other than that there isn't much substantial to update on. I'm not sure if it's a lack of funny comments, or a lack of time to write them down. Maybe a little bit of both. Josh has been in a little bit of funk attitude wise for a little while and there has been more whining than jokes. Hopefully we are over that soon.

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