Thursday, August 27, 2009

Right now I am sitting with the sweetest baby snuggled up in my lap, and typing one handed. But it's worth it for the snuggles. He has his legs around me and is laying his head on my chest. It smells like the cinnamon oatmeal he had for breakfast. I love that Jack still loves to snuggle so much. For some reason I thought that once we hit that 1 year mark it would all be downhill.

Thankfully I was wrong. He still wants me to rock him before he goes to sleep at night, and he will still fall asleep on me. When I've been away for a little while, all he wants me to do is to hold him. It's awesome. And the reason I need to have a girl. I'm way too addicted to this whole snuggling thing, and I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure after about the age of 5, my boys are not going to be down with the amount of snuggling their mom wants.

Josh has been cracking people up with one line, that bears explanation. There is a commercial for some oil company where a guy walks around and slaps people with the oil dipstick from a car and says "start thinking with your dipstick, jimmy." Chris thinks this commercial is hilarious, which of course means Josh does too, so he's been running around telling people to "start thinking with your wipstick jimmy". The best part is his face when he says it, he mimicks the face of the guy on the commercial, and it is hilarious! He makes kids and adults laugh with this one.

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