Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jack officially took his first steps today. Not sure how soon he'll actually be walking, but we're getting there. Having one that I already have to run around in, I'm actually hoping he gets to walking sooner rather than later. My arms and back are protesting this stage.

Can't believe he's already to this stage. It such a funny contrast. Here you have this little boy, that still looks like a baby, has the cute chunky thighs, adorable fat baby wrists, and the pinchable cheeks, and yet he's doing something like taking a step.

Josh had a great one liner tonight. We've been out all evening, and we came home and were all having a snack before we put the kids to bed. Josh looks up and says "what a nice family snack." Chris and I cracked up. Chris told him thank you for being so nice, and Josh replied "it's my pleasure".

We also had our first major "girl talk" tonight. Josh was at a friends playing, and him and a couple of them were in the playroom. There is a girl that lives at that house, so as you would expect there are dress up clothes galore. I guess one of the girls changed into one of them while Josh was in the room, and he decided to tell us all about how he saw a girl naked (she had her underwear on). Didn't expect to have that conversation at four. Daddy handled it quite well teaching him how to handle those situations, and I quipped in that was a gift God wanted him to have when he gets married.

In typical Josh form he made us laugh out of the situation later. I was asking him what he had fun doing tonight, and he said "I didn't have fun with the girls while they were naked". Well thank God for that I guess.


Lant Family said...

seriously--kids crack me up! I cant believe jack is walking, how fun.

renee said...

katie, can i tell you how much i love you? it's a lot. ok?

Kristin Eldridge said...

I have to tell Casey that.

If my kid is anything like my husband, I should start preparing for these moments.

Kristin Eldridge said...

On a more important note, I think it's great that you are used this opportunity to start talking about this stuff. I think most parents would just ignore it. But even at 4, I think it's good.