Friday, June 05, 2009

Stubbornness in play:

We go to Kroger a lot down here. Every time we go, Josh asks, "mommy are we going to Krovert?". I've explained to him several times that it's Kroger, but he refuses to believe and still keep calling it Krovert.

He also has this argument that he uses for everything I ask him not to do right now. This is an example of a typical conversation of ours:

Me: Josh, don't put your hand down your pants.
Josh: But mom, some people do it.

Me: Josh pick up your toys.
Josh: But mom, some people don't pick up their toys.

Jack is into EVERYTHING. If I turn my back for two second he has the bathroom cabinet open and his mouth on the cap of the hydrogen peroxide. Problem is I hate those baby proof openers they put on cabinets, plus I want them to learn not to do it.

I feel like my expertise in life right now is tearing/cutting food into minuscule bites, and saying no. I'm looking to expand my resume soon.

1 comment:

renee said...

cracks me up! kids are so funny!! my cousin josh is the "you didn't tell me not to" kid. be glad you don't have that... :)