Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What a week. And it's only Wednesday.

For the record, so far this year every birthday, or holiday (Father's Day, Mother's Day) someone in our house has been sick.

Sunday Chris got food poisoning in the evening, and it hit me Monday during the day. That's right, Father's Day and Jack's birthday.

Yesterday Jack had his one year check up (everything was good, 50% height, 25% weight, and 95% head, surprise surprise.) and four shots. Josh was extremely good at the doctors, and I told him I would take him to Chick Fil A for lunch and let him play.

After he was done eating he went to push his chair back form the table and instead of it moving back it flipped over with him still in it. He got a nice scrape on his chin and a bump on the head, plus he bit the inside of his cheek pretty good. He got free ice cream out of it.

Then last night I was trying to get dinner going with two fussy children (Jack is teething) and not paying attention to what I was doing. I was putting a piece of chicken (chicken paremsan in case anyone is curious) into hot oil, and it slipped off the fork while I wasn't looking and splashed all over my neck and chest. I finished making dinner, and told Chris about it when he got home. It was hurting really bad, so we finally decided a trip the ER was merited.

The 5 extra strength Tylenol they gave me helped quite a bit, as well as the special cream.

Chris is putting me on probation from cooking with oil. I call it an occupational hazard. At least I don't cut myself.

So far today has been an uneventful Wednesday. We are hoping to keep it that way!

1 comment:

renee said...

not fun!!!! stop hurting my friend!!!! feel better!